Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Mean Green Smoothie! (Healthy and Money-Saver)

Hello dear friends. I thought I would share a smoothie that has been a family favorite and is surprisingly filled with SPINACH! Yeah, and my veggie-haters ask for more!!! Its the only way I get them to enjoy their greens... Here is the simple recipe:

Organic Spinach (3 big handfuls)
Frozen Bananas (2-3)
Milk (enough to make the blender spin)

*You can also add protein powder, frozen fruit, flax seed, etc.

Its pretty green, but don't be fooled...Super tasty



Monday, April 29, 2013

A Birthday and a Tear

April 17, 2013 was going to be an exciting and joyous day. Ella was turning two. So, with the house coated in pink balloons and cupcakes frosted I was ready to party. Little did I know this day would be filled with, yes, lots of fun but also much mourning. Two weeks before this day, Mike and I found out we were pregnant. WHAT??? We were surprised and I was filled with all kinds of thoughts of how I was going to handle 3 kids under the age of 3. I battled each day and gave it all to the Lord. It was a process, but I knew this baby had a purpose and I was excited to see that unfold.

April 17th unfolded something in my life I had dreaded with each pregnancy. I began to spot. My heart was racing and all I could think about was our baby. Life went on around me, but it was a blur. I was disconnected from all the laughter and love filling our home. "No Lord, not now." The Lord was ready to receive this little one that evening. I was 8 weeks along and had to say good-bye to a life that never entered into this world but entered its eternal world with Jesus. Our baby is in the arms of their Maker...safe and away from all harm.

Though I will never forget this day and our precious baby, each day I am filled with the joy of the Lord. I cannot imagine going through something like this (or for some of you something much harder) without the love of the Lord. Though we don't understand His ways, they are so much higher (Isaiah 55). He loves us so much and will never leave us; especially in times of pain.

As you go about your day please remember, the Lord is good and will always be there. Don't try to get through each day on your own...because without Him by your side your day will feel empty and alone. It is very simple, HE LOVES YOU!

A song that has been very meaningful throughout everything!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Beautiful Revolution (Keri Agrimson)

Hello lovely ladies...welcome back to a time of coffee and conversation. I am actually going to send you to my sister's blog to let you be inspired by some powerful words. We are called to be beautiful women...what does that look like?

May you be filled with His joy today!


Thursday, March 28, 2013

"Leave Her Alone..."

Welcome back dear friends. Today I sit at my kitchen table and am surrounded by the warmth and beauty of the sun. Both kids are napping (ahhh peace), so I thought I would have you enter a vulnerable part of my life that has recently happened.

I have been reading John and was touched and moved by the story of Mary Magdalene and her alabaster jar. John 12:3 says, "then Mary took a pint of pure nard...and poured it on Jesus' feet and wiped it with her hair." This part I love and have been reminded of her sacrifice. But it was what happened after that I knew the Holy Spirit was speaking to me. Mary is ridiculed by the disciples for "wasting" this precious fragrance. In response to this, Jesus speaks and says "Leave her alone" in John 12:7. It was these three words that revealed to me the power and love my Jesus has for His daughter, me.

Just last night while trying to have my quiet time, Satan began to creep in negative thoughts I had been dealing with. The unworth and insecurity I was feeling suddenly began to escalate to the point I felt sick. Finally I had my husband pray for me and speak against these thoughts. It wasn't until I showed Mike what I was reading that these three words "Leave her alone"  literally popped off the page and into my heart. My Jesus has my back and will never allow Satan control over my life.

I suddenly began to cry. I put all this pressure to be a perfect wife, mom, Christian, friend, etc. Why do I do this when I know my Savior just wants me to trust Him to have my back...He is all we need and will always fight for us (even to the cross). So, dear friends the next time you feel attacked read this story and know Jesus will declare to Satan, "Leave her alone" and just as the story goes He will never fail you.

May you be filled with His joy today!!!!!!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Metal Wall Decor

A piece of metal, vinyl words, some wood and a handy hubby allowed this décor to form together. The fun thing is, anyone can do it! Metal is a great and cheap piece that adds a flavor to your home. It is also magnetic; which is fun!!!

With the extra metal I thought about going to Goodwill and purchasing an old frame, taking out the glass, shaping the metal to fit it, and using it as a magnet board or using dry erase markers on it to write messages!!!

Sometimes we need to think outside the box and explore our creativity =)

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Painted Toes

Welcome back for another time together…as I was thinking about my next post I was trying to remember what kinds of things sparked my interest in even starting a blog in the first place. My memories brought me back to an event that does not happen very often in my life…a shower!!! Haha, showers are so precious these days. I know many of you can relate.
Anyway, as I was in the shower I looked down at my toes. As I looked, I could not help but smile. What were once always perfectly painted and trimmed, were now a chipped pink and looked very forgotten. It was then I wondered how many other new mom’s toes out there were looking the same. It then donned on me…things like painted toes can be a booster for my maybe long day of changing diapers, wiping boogers, and you fill in the blank. I am not saying be selfish, but I am saying it is so important to renew and replenish YOU! Taking the time (maybe just 5 minutes) each day can be that extra fuel that gets you through.
Some things I have taken from my mom and found for myself that seem to help me are: spending time with Jesus, always putting on makeup (yes even if I am wearing sweats), wearing earrings, lighting a candle, and of course now painting my toes. So,  I challenge you to find those things that refuel your tank and incorporate into your day. And always remember you are doing a GREAT job!!!!
May Jesus give you joy for the day!

Low Cal Cake

BEST cake ever, only three ingredients, inexpensive and low in calories…that’s my kind of cake! I have made this three times already and people LOVE it!!!!

The recipe is:
Cake mix (lemon or strawberry)
20 ounces Diet 7up
Lite Cool Whip
(no need for the ingredients on the back of the cake mix box)

Mix 7up and cake mix together in 9×13 sprayed pan. Bake at 350 for 30-35 minutes. Let cool and add Cool Whip. Then ENJOY!!!