Thursday, March 28, 2013

"Leave Her Alone..."

Welcome back dear friends. Today I sit at my kitchen table and am surrounded by the warmth and beauty of the sun. Both kids are napping (ahhh peace), so I thought I would have you enter a vulnerable part of my life that has recently happened.

I have been reading John and was touched and moved by the story of Mary Magdalene and her alabaster jar. John 12:3 says, "then Mary took a pint of pure nard...and poured it on Jesus' feet and wiped it with her hair." This part I love and have been reminded of her sacrifice. But it was what happened after that I knew the Holy Spirit was speaking to me. Mary is ridiculed by the disciples for "wasting" this precious fragrance. In response to this, Jesus speaks and says "Leave her alone" in John 12:7. It was these three words that revealed to me the power and love my Jesus has for His daughter, me.

Just last night while trying to have my quiet time, Satan began to creep in negative thoughts I had been dealing with. The unworth and insecurity I was feeling suddenly began to escalate to the point I felt sick. Finally I had my husband pray for me and speak against these thoughts. It wasn't until I showed Mike what I was reading that these three words "Leave her alone"  literally popped off the page and into my heart. My Jesus has my back and will never allow Satan control over my life.

I suddenly began to cry. I put all this pressure to be a perfect wife, mom, Christian, friend, etc. Why do I do this when I know my Savior just wants me to trust Him to have my back...He is all we need and will always fight for us (even to the cross). So, dear friends the next time you feel attacked read this story and know Jesus will declare to Satan, "Leave her alone" and just as the story goes He will never fail you.

May you be filled with His joy today!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. So good Kris! Really blessed me reading this. Thank you for sharing! xo
